Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lack of Sleep

There's something not very pleasant about waking up at 3:45 for absolutely no good reason. I tossed and turned for a while before deciding to get my day started well before 5:00 AM.

Task one of the morning was to troubleshoot Dempsey's fancy ball. It seems like every time I even think the words "coolest ever" the brain for the LED in the ball craps out. After doing some fiddling and jiggling, I found that there was a loose connection between one of the poles on the LED and the microchip, yes, microchip on the printed circuit board. There has to be a more simple way to create an on/off button that a dog can't activate inadvertently by chewing. I'll see how long my temporary jumper holds on, making the necessary connection. Eventually, I'll need to solder it properly.

I continued my morning adventures with some research into materials for the coffee room project. I've always liked the look of the rubber floor tiles with the raised coins.

Since this will also serve as my regular entry as well as my coffee corner, it will be nice to have something that is easy to clean and can take a beating. Given the questionable nature of the subfloor, a forgiving nature in the material will be a plus.

I thought I had cabinets that would work perfectly and quite a nice price for a set, but somebody else bought them from the craigslist listing faster than I could. There will be more options in coming days/weeks I'm sure. I have some basic requirements, but since I'm going to be painting the cabinets anyways, I will also have some flexibility in the range of products I'll be willing to pick up on the cheap.

I did some basic exploratory work on the electrical in the back room and what I found was a confusing, jumbled mess. I don't really look forward to sorting it all out, but it will have to be done. Adding the 220v circuit will be left to the capable hands of a licensed professional. Sure would be nice on days like these to have easy access to a good espresso for an afternoon pick me up . . .

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