My goals for the race will be simple ones, first and foremost, I will try to not urinate on myself or others. This isn't a new goal for me, but it is easily achieved, usually, and it lets me celebrate the most basic of accomplishments. Secondly, I would like to crack the top 20 in this race. I have come close in the past, but it will depend on who shows up to race on Saturday. Goal number three is to simply use the experience for building form and prepping for Dead Dog. I plan on getting to the top, taking off my number and continuing on in the hills for another few hours.
As you can see from the profile, Magnolia Road is no joke. There is no where to hide and those who can't climb will be going backwards relative to the race leaders. I am going to raise my hand right now and say, "I am not a climber" but since I race for fun anyways, why not go enjoy the scenery?
In my random internet meanderings, I came across a photo project that is an interesting juxtaposition (I really just wanted to use that word) of the fairytale world and the cold, cruel realities of everyday life. "The '...happily ever after' is replaced with a realistic outcome and addresses current issues" in Fallen Princesses. It is interesting if you read the comments to see how some people miss the point completely and take offense to the artist's commentary. I thought it was amusing . . . and another way to kill a few minutes.
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