Saturday, October 31, 2009


I pulled the cord out of the bag to put some pictures to the words. Yes, it did snow in Denver, a lot.

It wasn't snowing in LA at all, shocker. Greg and I took advantage of our free time at the airport and stood in a sunny parking lot before heading to our terminal to wait some more.

We have some luxury accommodations in Invercargill and it turns out that one of the sponsors has a restaurant that is providing food on a daily basis. It really isn't too rough.

Everybody was on a bike today and we rode to Bluff to check out the hill at the end of stage two. The profile online really doesn't do the climb justice. I forgot that I had an 11-23 on the wheels I was riding which made the hill more of a crusher. I'm looking forward to doing it with the correct gearing instead. I will be losing time, I can guarantee that, but my teammates should be in good shape if we can get them to the bottom of the hill safely after the 2,000 intermediate sprints.

This morning was not very windy at all as we headed out of town and south towards the town of Bluff. Apparently the southernmost McDonalds in the world is in Bluff, we didn't go check it out though.

This is the view from the top of the hill in Bluff. We start at pretty much dead sea level and head up to a bunch of feet above sea level (I think it is approx. 970'). We rode back to Invercargill and did a quick lap of the TTT course before getting back to the hotel for lunch. I'll have a full report when we get to racing tomorrow.

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