Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fat Burning

I had a three hour "fat burner" on the schedule today so I opted for some new scenery, talking a trip down the scenic and challenging Highline Canal. It was nice having the trail all to myself and the non-paved surface combined with the wind made it easy to get the heart rate up a bit. Good thing I was able to turn my brain off, I forgot how boring the fat burning pace can be since you really don't have to focus on putting effort in to it.

In order to fulfill my unemployment obligation, I have to make three job contacts a week. I clicked the "apply" button for a job with some company in Denver that manufactures and sells steel building ranging in size from utility shed to multi-million dollar, custom jobber. I didn't think they would actually get back to me, but I guess they need sales people. I went in for the interview for good practice and to see what the scoop was. It wasn't a hardcore sales job since it was working with their existing dealers, assisting in the sales process, but it was sales nonetheless. I am pretty sure I can count this as all three job contacts for the week though, the application (1), the call to set up the interview (2), and the interview itself (3) . . . not bad for a week's work. I should pace myself and make sure I don't get worn out too quickly.

I had fun this morning tormenting Brian while he was sitting at work and I was sitting at home . . . eating biscuits. What's better than a big, fluffy, buttery biscuit?

. . . uh, one with egg and cheese of course. What could be better than that?

Add some turkey bacon, some coffee, and a cinnamon roll made from the extra biscuit dough. Maybe this fat burning ride wasn't such a bad idea after all.

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