Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cold and Dark

On to phase two, cold and dark in the morning. I can't wait for the real parts of winter to come . . . ah the memories of walking the dog in the morning when snow is on the ground, it is too dark to see, and the poor dog can't find the ball in the snow to play fetch. On the bright side, I did a quick experiment and let Dempsey walk home from the park off leash for most of the way. I am happy to say he heeled quite nicely.

It looks like this afternoon will be one of the last 2 hour rides after work. Daylight continues to fade quickly. I am actually torn between riding outside and doing some work in the backyard and jumping on the trainer after. This week should see some good activity out back. I need to get some fence on the north side of the yard, cut up some more branches and get things laid out so I can till.

This weekend will be the first cross race I can make it to. I'll shine up the old High Life grill and head out to Red Rocks Elementary. If you can get out there give me a call and bring something to toss on the grill. Any menu suggestions for the season are now being taken . . .

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