Monday, September 24, 2007

Reality Check

If has a higher readership than me I am going to have to start posting videos of me sacrificing goats!

Which brings up another interesting point . . . during the Service for Yom Kippur, part of the readings outline the way to cleanse oneself of sins involving burnt offerings, sin offerings, sending a goat out into the wilderness, etc. Where has that part of religion gone? Is it out of fear for PETA? Fear that we might send our sins smack into another community? Reverting to the ways of old might be a very good way to get the youth of the community more interested and involved in religious practices.

The weekend with Keely's family was quite lovely. Services are pretty similar in Conservative Synagogues across the country. I can say this now that I have experienced them at both ends of the country.

I had another weekend off the bike. We'll see how this week treats me. I see a trainer ride in my future.

1 comment:

Kendall said...

I think that "trainer" is a four letter word in the cycling community. Such profanity right after your atonement.