Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Killer Military Surplus

I may have poo-pooed Hutchison a little too soon on his post apocalyptic vehicle selection since now I have to change my choice from a Certified Pre-Owned luxury vehicle to this:

In this morning's WSJ, I read that the Navy is essentially giving the Sea Shadow away to whomever is willing to take it off of their hands. What better way to showcase some military technology than a little end game survival? The article is yet another fine writing example from the Journal, full of wit and journalistic barbs. For example, "At a cost later put at $195 million, it aimed to attain the same invisibility at sea that it had in the federal budget." Zing! Take that military spending gurus! Direct hit to the fiscal responsibility center!

The Sea Shadow reportedly kicked serious ass in the Navy's war games exercises off the coast of California. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Sean Connery's escape from Alcatraz in the documentary "The Rock" but I need to double check the internet for the real truth. Even though you can see it in the photographs, trust me, it is invisible to most forms of surveillance.

Great news for whoever takes the Sea Shadow, you'll also get the Hughes Mining Barge as part of the deal. This craft was used for some super secret missions, well only one. It outfitted another craft with a grappling hook for "sea bed mining operations" (read: to pluck a Soviet submarine off the sea floor). It is still classified as to whether or not said "mining operations" were of any success. In any case, you need a super secret hideout since the cloaking device on the Sea Shadow can't operate 24/7.

In other news, I have to give credit to the current administration. They said they were going to fix the economy and by golly they have done it. Bernake said the recession should end in 2009. I didn't realize it would happen today! Another couple days like this and it will start to look like a rally.

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