Monday, October 12, 2009

Running Into Things

Ever have one of those days where paths cross unexpectedly? I seem to have had a few of those occurrences which indicate the world is either getting too small or off chance encounters aren't all that off chance.

A few of us braved the cold Sunday to get in a nice four and a half hour ride down south. Given that there was a football game at 2:00, the roads were nice and quiet, especially a little further off the beaten path. We hit a few out and back stretches on dirt roads including Waterton Canyon where we came across these guys. It has been a while since I had seen the bighorn sheep and I've never been this close.

They didn't seem too bothered by us or they were distracted as they are just entering the rut season where males try to show dominance and establish their position in the hierarchy before mating begins. We waited and watched before moving on when the road was clear.

In the random encounters with people, I heard from a friend today that there was a long, lost friend spotting . . . in Japan. While innocently walking down the street, Jonathan heard, "Hey! Jonathan!" The greeter was none other than Peter Kurtz who we hung out with for most of high school and the first few years of college. I didn't check the calendar, but it must have been random, unofficial high school reunion day because I got an email from another friend who was passing through town with her boyfriend and staying at another classmate's house in Denver. We all met up for drinks and caught up on the last 17 years or so. It was fun finding out who was where and adding an old classmate to the group of Denver friends. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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