Friday, March 20, 2009

Coffee Emergency!

Don't worry, it isn't my emergency, but I was happy enough to get involved and help out. I got a call from Joey this morning that went a little something like "Uh, help . . . where do you get your espresso parts?" His boiler anti-depression valve quit on him and wasn't allowing the boiler to heat properly which in turn prevented him from making espresso, truly an emergency. So I passed along the info for Cafe Parts and before the middle of the afternoon, I had a replacement valve in hand.

The second part of the emergency does pertain to me I suppose, I'm fresh out of beans! I have more on the way from Jittery Joes, thanks to their sponsorship of the team, we have a wholesale account set up. The only problem is if I don't plan properly, I can run out of beans prior to a fresh batch showing up. This time around, I'm trying out a new blend in addition to the Espresso.

A few of us are heading out tomorrow for a nice, long, slow ride in the hills. I feel like I need the volume right now since the majority of my "off season" rides were not much more than an hour on the trainer. Last night, I headed down to Meridian and noticed again that the first hour of motoring down there against the headwind left me a bit drained. Fighting the wind some more and trying not to get dropped out of the break made for a tougher workout than on the schedule, but I'm not too worried about it. The first of the real races is coming up in a week, unless winter comes back . . .


I am Brian said...

I'm pretty certain my own "anti-depression valve" has been broken for a while now...

Kitt said...

Hey, Community Coffee has free shipping on orders over $50 for the next couple of days. Through March 26. The traditional coffees are $5.49 for a true pound. And it's great coffee.