Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Testing . . . Testing . . .

It is time again for the monthly fitness test down at the Echelon Sports Performance lab. I derive pleasure in a sick and twisted way from getting the monthly numbers to see how things are looking coming into the early season. One thing is for sure, I am getting tired of the endless training. I mean, how many times can I ride over to the park, do a lap and come home? Kidding, I really never leave the basement and the safety of the trainer.

With the change in daylight hours, a time honored event that happens twice a week at the south end of Denver resumes, a little thing we like to call "Meridiots" . . . It is a training ride that has a certain ebb and flow of sketchiness through the years and the seasons. There is guaranteed to be a crash or two during the season due to somebody being well, an idiot. There is potential for some worthwhile training out there, but it is all what you put into it. If you go out there and just sit in, it is a very silly effort.

In the words of Warren Buffet, "You only learn who's been swimming naked when the tide goes out." Only slightly less applicable but highly entertaining is the wisdom passed along by Dave Chappelle, "So? Some people say the cucumbers taste better pickled. What? Huh? What? Huh?"

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