Monday, March 30, 2009

You Are What You Drink

I was forwarded an article from the New York Times health section about caffeine as a legal performance enhancer. This was not news to me or many other cyclists. I have traveled with my own coffee pot to races where our suspect hotel might not have appropriate caffeination equipment. Mike has been known to travel with his espresso maker. On cold and wet days prior to the Cherry Creek Time Trial, I have been known to have multiple shots of espresso as my pre-race warm up since there is no sense in trying to get warm in the cold and damp. One inaccuracy in the article is that caffeine is limited by the UCI since it is a stimulant although I haven't heard of anybody getting popped for it lately. More on caffeine and the cyclist here . . .

With Passover coming up shortly, I have to figure out how to maintain my alcohol intake since grain based beverages are out of the picture for the holiday. Thank goodness there is tequila now to break up the monotony of wine, rum, and potato vodka. It isn't really news that there is kosher tequila, these guys beat them to the punch (pun entirely intended) but variety and choice is good . . . look how far we have come from drinking Manischewiz. Of course, if you are in the Bohemian know and a bit old school, you've been drinking slivovitz for years . . . mmmm, slivovitz.

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