Monday, March 12, 2007

Like a Black Dog in the Shadows

I was thinking this morning how many things could be applied to the imagery provided by my dog Dempsey in the early morning, post DST darkness.

Blogging at work on antiquated browser technology doesn't work so much. Evertime I try to do something like add links, pictures, etc. Netscape for Mac OS 9.2 crashes, locks up my computer, resulting in all of my work being lost. Not just blog work, but actual work that others may or may not be counting on.

Racing my first race in my first full Cat 2 season went as expected. I finished and met my primary goal of not urinating on myself or others. One of my high school lacrosse teammates set this goal when told by our coach that we should set goals that are easily achievable so as to be able to track progress and not get discouraged. It was amusing to see how many of the who's who of American cycling was out yesterday at the Stazio race. The good news is that it felt better than my first experience racing with the p/1/2 crowd last year.

The remainder of the day had a good focus on food. My parents, girlfriend Keely, and friends Brian and Jessica headed to the Pearl Street Mall Illegal Petes for some grub, followed by a chow fest dinner at Damascus Grill in Littleton. There are going to be leftovers for days, one or two maybe.

So like a black dog in the shadows . . .


Unknown said...

Was that Richard or my brother that set that fine goal?

Seth Rubin said...

That was Jay Tatum. I am not sure if he made it through Dartmouth alive. His story ended somewhere in Hanover, NH, escaping jail by telling them he had mono . . .