Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Me Blog Now

Seems these days just about everybody I know has a blog: family members, coworkers, friends . . . you name it. The only person left out was me, not anymore! I'll get links up soon so everybody can go look at the people I mention. A few friends recommended myspace, but I don't really need/want to go trolling for 14 year olds or make myself feel more popular, I just want to share the joy that is the life and times of Seth Rubin.

The good news is that the digital camera is on the way. I picked up an eBay special . . . a Casio Exilim Z60 which is small enough to fit just about anywhere and can be fired up in stealth mode for the unsuspected, candid shots.

The sun is shining, it's warm and the snow is pretty much gone so I am going to go hit the park for an active recovery ride. Until next time . . .

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