Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Full Day, Bring on the Night

I didn't even have time to think about how much I was working today, it was pretty non-stop and packed with thrills and excitement. Gotta love it when there's shouting and all sorts of fired up people in the office at 8:00 AM. Nothing like the aftermath of some miscommunication happening in the office next to yours. Fortunately all disasters were averted and the company made some money in the process. Let me pause to pat myself on the back since nobody else will . . . sniff, sniff.

I decided to be very motivated for a Tuesday evening, we'll see how long that lasts. I plan on heading home to take Dempsey out for his afternoon constitutional before riding on the trainer. Looks like I have another solid week on the bike to keep me out of trouble. Tonight I get to ride the time trial bike and simulate some TT efforts in position . . . wooo . . . hoooo.

After riding, I have to move some things out of the back room to the garage so I can get on with the demo necessary. I'll be removing the remaining faux wood paneling to see how much electrical work will be needed to get outlet, switches, and fixtures where they need to be. I will also find out in a hurry how much insulation I can shove in there in the hopes of keeping the temperature out of the extreme ranges it has hit in the past. I am almost afraid of what I will find. I have the floor tile in my possession now, so I might snap a few pieces together to see how it is going to look. Pictures to follow . . .

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