Monday, January 12, 2009

Rest of the Weekend

I managed to get out for a couple rides this weekend despite my legs being utterly trashed. I'm pretty sure Mike was trying to kill me with last week's schedule, but that which does not kill you, blah, blah, blah. Saturday, I met Brian and Matt M. out in Golden and headed up some more. Lookout wasn't bad except for the wind that was picking up. The back side of the buffalo herd overlook wasn't too bad either even though that road is pretty well shaded and not very well traveled. Kerr Gulch wasn't too bad, but by the time we got down to Bear Creek Canyon, everything was wet and still slushy in places.

We convinced Matt to keep going to Evergreen with us for a stop at the Tin Star for a donut and some hot chocolate to warm up. Poor kid had never eaten an apple fritter before, tragic, just tragic. The stop was much needed between the cold and wet, riding was getting to the unpleasant point. Unfortunately it got worse. We parted ways, Matt rode back down the canyon towards his house and Brian and I decided to continue on Evergreen Parkway in the hopes that it would be a bit drier. It wasn't but there was more wind to accompany the completely slushed over shoulder. I looked back at one point to see Brian heading through the ditch and into the bank as an especially large gust blew through. We made it to the end of the ride and lived to ride another day and eat another fritter.

Sunday, after my manual labor, I hit the park for some easy spinning with Shawnee. Between the week prior and the morning's work, I knew my legs wouldn't put up with very much at all. One hour of light spinning was enough to make me happy. And so ended another weekend, too quickly as always, but much was accomplished. There will be enough distraction in the coming weeks between projects at my house, Deb's house, riding, and just hanging out. Hopefully I remember to take pictures so I can document it all.

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