Friday, January 16, 2009


I had the experience today of witnessing Lasik surgery. My first question for the, uh, whatever you call the guy wandering around the office asking anybody if they have any questions guy was, "Can you really trust a Lasik surgeon who wears glasses?" I watched on the monitor as they sliced away at Deb's eyeballs, creating flaps that would then be manipulated by laser beams to correct her vision. The best part of it (I don't really care that she saves time and money on contact lenses) is that she gets to sport the latest in high fashion for eye wear.

Seriously, are those Doggles? You make the call . . .

This being the second time I have driven home a doped up sister after a medical procedure, I think I am starting to see a strange and horrifying trend emerging. I think my sister is addicted to surgery.

Tonight, I'm returning to my cultural ways, hitting up the symphony for some "exuberant and light-hearted" music . . . that's straight from the program notes for tonight's concert which will include Beethoven's Symphony No. 8. It should be a nice finish to a week that included some cleaning, some destruction, and a little of everything else I could come up with.

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