Friday, August 7, 2009

Denied by the Weather

It was dumping yesterday afternoon, right around the time I started to begin to think about heading down to Chatfield for some motor pacing. I got to ride the trainer instead . . . weeeeeeeee. It was alright I guess, I got to sweat and making adjustments to the TT bike post new seat post install was easier than if I were out riding in the world. I can only hope that the weather is a little better going over the passes tomorrow. After a year or so of having the same music on the music playin' device, I finally put together a new, 9-hour mix to bring tomorrow.

I forgot about the fact that I ran into a mass of runners last year on the ride to Vail and it will happen again since tomorrow is also the Georgetown-Idaho Springs half marathon. Fortunately it is only 1/10th of the trip for tomorrow and I won't be fighting the flow of runners, nor will I be climbing or descending in that section. Just for kicks, I took a quick look for alternate routes . . . there really aren't any unless I want to ride US285 to Guanella Pass to Georgetown, but that gets a bit crazy. I wouldn't mind riding the old Red Zinger/Saturn Classic route sometime, but I'll save that for another day.

It is hard to believe that I am less than two weeks away from my departure for Austria. So far as I know, I am ready and I think I know where my passport is. Vacation and not having to think at all, except to remember some German will be a welcome change, I just hope I remember to come back when the trip is over.

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