Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fresh Paint

The after picture of the house doesn't really show dramatic change after the fresh coat of paint. Crazy, when you go from one white to another, the difference isn't all that noticeable until you get close up and see that the cracks are no longer exposed to the weather. The house should be good to go for another 10 years or so before it need a new coat of paint.

On Monday evening, Matt, Steve and I got in some cross training, hitting a bunch of golf balls at the new and improved, now city owned, Aquagolf. Nothing like whacking a bunch of floaty range balls into a pond to help forget about the beginning of the work week woes. I got out to ride Tuesday evening, a quick jaunt out to Lookout and up. I have gotten to the point where no matter which direction I go, my house to the top is approx. 1:15 ride time. Mid-way up the hill, I was wondering why my hip and shoulder were so sore and it finally dawned on me that hitting 100 golf balls might not be the best idea when it comes to recovery since the awkward motion that is my swing, isn't something my body is accustomed to.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening's ride which will involve a motorpacing session with Mike. The hay is in the barn as they say, but there is still some ramping up to be done prior to Worlds. The annual ride to Vail is coming up this weekend and it looks like I might be flying solo again this year. As long as the phone/mp3 player/gps/camera keeps a charge for all 9 hours, I should be a-ok.

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