Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Like Tacos

I made the return to training after a much needed day of recovery on Monday. I hit Meridian last night with the notion that I'd get some leg speed work in, but I didn't plan on spending much of the hour off the front alone . . . it just happened. Maybe my legs were feeling a little better after the ride to Vail than I thought. We'll see how tonight's effort goes, uphill and in TT position. Post Meridian, we headed to Lime to take advantage of $1 taco Tuesday . . . I like tacos, they are good for recovery. Even though the place was packed, we found a seat at the bar and got to eating and drinking. Our food bill was only $9 . . . which was quite respectable for three of us . . . had there not been a beverage bill to go along with it.

Given that it was a warm summer evening, we had nothing better to do than to pick up some ice cream and hit the park. It is shocking how many foxes there are in Alamo Placita Park in the early evening hours. Even more shocking was the number of people passing through the park. Some seemed to be hiding from their families to smoke a cigarette, some were migrating off of the bike path to find a place to sleep for the night. The end of summer is rapidly approaching as the nights are coming quicker and it is dark in morning when I get up for Dempsey's morning walk. Even though I am in the seasonal time warp of the working world, no longer defining freedom by summer vacation, I feel like I need to try and stuff as much fun in as possible before the summer ends and fall takes over. Having Steve in town for the last month has been good for getting out and about and exploring some of the places I have had on the list or revisiting some old haunts. The last month has flown by and I will soon again be roommate-less . . .

Tonight, we're finally getting around to putting up a couple sheets of drywall on the ceiling of the espresso room. I have to take advantage of having some labor in the house before Steve skips town this weekend. There is a small chance that I will finish up projects in the near future, but I'm not making any promises.

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