Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Waiting Game

And then there was more waiting . . . I headed out for a ride with Mike Carter yesterday while the sun was shining. The forecast for Saturday was looking grim, so might as well get while the getting was good. As predicted, today is cold and wet, motivation to get out for a ride is pretty low, but we'll get out eventually just to spin the legs out a bit.

St. Johann is full right now, but after the race on Sunday, town will be absolutely dead when everybody splits. Mike and Dave are staying until Tuesday, they will have the run of the town! I just started planning my "vacation" in Munich. I am going to try to head down to Garmisch on Monday and then hit the zoo in Munich on Tuesday since I have seen a good chunk of the city already on my vast walking tours of last year. It will be a nice change of pace to see some new things.

As the trip (and the entire season for that matter) winds down, I am starting to plot and scheme for what comes next. When I get home, I will have to start on thinking about actually finishing some projects started prior to the season. I am looking forward to a couple of days where I don't even look at my bike, pretty easy to do when it is boxed up and out of sight . . .

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