Sunday, August 23, 2009

Travel Day Continued . . .

I was not able to get bumped off the Munich flight for another ticket, but getting to where you are going is also worth something. The flight was packed and I had a good seat for the purpose of legroom, but I never really got all that comfortable and only slept a little. There was some excitement towards the end of the flight when the flight attendant got on the PA and asked if there was a medical professional on the plane. I never found out what was going on. We landed in Munich on time despite slight delay in DC and my bags showed up before too long.

As I was heading to the DB ticket counter, a guy wearing an official's shirt asked if I was going to St. Johann. I said yes and he asked if I was part of Tracy's group to which I responded , "no" but he only had two others to take, so I got a free ride, direct to St. Johann with no transfers.

I was dead tired when I got to town, but I checked into the hotel and got the bikes put together and headed out for a ride before giving into the jetlag. The hotel put me straight into the apartment instead of the single room I had for the first few days which is fine by me as long as they don't charge me for it. I headed out for a ride to clear the cobwebs from a full day of travel and was greeted by wind like I have not seen in years past in St. Johann. I did a lap of the course and headed back to the room to clean up before venturing out to buy food. Shortly after getting back from the store the wind picked up more and then the sky opened. I managed to stay up long enough to make some dinner, but now it is starting to get dark, I'm going to bed!

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