Friday, November 7, 2008


I was thinking my lumber pack would be more of an afternoon delivery, but not so much. As I headed out to the car this morning to go to work, I saw the tandem truck turn the corner with a load of 14 roof trusses. My first thought was, "I hope they can get into the alley with that." Followed by, "Uhhhh . . . ." Fortunately the second truck with the rest of the garage pack was right behind and even better, it had a forklift on the back.

In the interest of having the material still on the jobsite tomorrow morning, I wanted to get everything stocked inside my yard. They were able to get the forklift close enough to place the bunks on the pad. With a careful shove, more space was created.

With the right tools for the job, it was easy to go up and over the fence with the siding and trim pack which was placed gently on top of the OSB sheathing.

The roof trusses were unceremoniously dumped into the alley.


At the end of it all, the lumber made it into my yard. Hopefully I will find it all still there this afternoon when I go home to move it. That's right, I get to move it all off the pad to make space to lay out the walls tomorrow morning. By the end of the day, I should have pictures of walls and a roof.

I headed over to the Home Depot last night to pick up some nail gun nails and other items needed for tomorrow. I have to go back today to pick up some high quality Jeld-Wen vinyl sliding windows. They will give me a good view from the garage and allow for some ventilation when necessary. It is all coming together nicely.

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