Thursday, July 2, 2009


Hats off to the City of Lakewood for making sure they restripe the bike lanes every once in a while. The bike lane symbol is now as clear as mud.

Either somebody isn't smart, or somebody is very, very smart and has a sense of humor. My guess is the stencil got put in backwards and nobody cared or noticed. I am trying to figure out what the new symbol is telling me. Is this the area for bikes to crash head on? Has bike traffic been stuffed into one lane and this denotes a passing area? Should I be making out with fellow cyclists while in Lakewood?

The lackadaisical nature of yesterday's ride was well represented in the amount of time Pinkerton and I spent trying to get a clear picture of the above, while still riding. Of course we aren't going to stop for something like this, but it also wasn't to be missed. With tomorrow's early departure for Kansas, I'll likely go on blogging vacation as well unless there is something phenomenal to post . . . until later . . .

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