Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 3, I Might Crack

I think our office has fleas. I have some sort of bites on my ankles and people have started scratching at random. There are some theories floating around about general office health. One is that we are all feeling congested and headachey because the roof used to leak and the carpet and ceiling tiles are all mold infested. The replacing of the stained ceiling tiles exposed another lovely tidbit or lots of little ones. Piles of mouse poo came down with the old ceiling tiles because whatever they used to stop the drips from the roof was perfect nesting material for the mice. I think the mice brought in the fleas which are biting our ankles. I think the mouse poo (hmmm, maybe the roof didn't leak but the ceiling tiles are stained by mouse pee) will be the end of us all when we get the hanta virus and waste away, lungs filling with fluid.

We still don't have any climate control and it gets stuff when it is only 75 degrees outside. I shudder to think what will happen when summer hits for real. I'd like to take advantage of the liberal dress code, but I am going to have to start tucking my pants into my socks and rubber banding them so the fleas don't drain all of my blood. I am going to start taking "smoke breaks" and head out to the railroad tracks. I think trains come by frequently enough that I can end it that way. Hopefully Union Pacific will ship my remains home if half of my body travels a fair distance east or west down the track . . .

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