Indulge me on this one for a moment. Dempsey isn't necessarily the best retriever, although we are working on it. Sometimes he has a hard time finding the ball I just threw moments prior, yet this morning he found the oldest, grossest, most beat down ball under a layer of new snow. So we played with that instead of the shiny new balls. To exact my revenge, I am totally going to get one of these, that'll show Dempsey when his ball ends up in the next time zone. (side note: check out the rest of the links on that site, that guy makes stuff better than you)
Aww, so cute. He went through red-eye reduction, but I can't make the devilish glow go away.
A week or so ago when I was plumbing the depths of the internet to find fodder for a clever response about going to the rodeo at the Stock Show I came across some blogs way more interesting than my own. This shouldn't come as much of a surprise as my life isn't really that exciting, or is it?
Most of the blogs I read on a regular basis are of the "woohoo, over here, look at me!" variety. Mine also falls right in there. Let's face it, the purpose has been to share part of the life and times, highlight the successes, brag outright about accomplishments, and on occasion vent, keeping it relatively anonymous through the vagueness of the laments of the everyman. In the interest of not "outing" friends the innocent are merely left out. I think it would be more interesting to protect the names of the innocent and publish the dirt and drama that is my real life.
It would perhaps be more cathartic to share more under the cloak of anonymity and enable the true offloading of feelings, thoughts, emotions. Blogger doesn't have that button to click when you get started, you have to encrypt your identity on your own if you so choose. It is limiting, but fortunately most of my friends are in the same blogging category as my own. It makes for boring reading at times . . . Pinkerton! Update your blog! There are some people I can't blame for withholding the mind dump. There is always a back story and maybe someday I'll share it.
Take a look around sometime, avoid the next blog button because most blogs are crap, but there are a lot of people who are more interesting than yours truly and I'm pretty sure most of them are better writers.