Monday, July 21, 2008

A Dog on the Town

In the heat of the day yesterday, the car's thermometer registered a peak of 104 degrees. Dempsey, wearing his finest, black, fur coat decided it would be a good day for a swim and some shopping in the air conditioned climates of Cherry Creek North. He really wanted the bed in the background of the picture, but since there were no prices on anything, I wasn't buying!

We swung by HW Home since they are dog friendly as well and I had some soap on hold. I highly recommend the Cucina Chef's Soap in the Olive Oil and Coriander scent from a Canadian outfit called Fruits and Passions. Not only does it wash hands really well, but it also smells really good, on your hands or just sitting it the soap dish. It looks like this, but get the green one.

Dempsey put in a request for some of their dog products, but HW Home doesn't carry them. He splashed around in a couple of the fountains in Cherry Creek North, but still displayed hesitancy to jump right in. After a couple shoves, he would jump in a little more quickly, but you'd never know he was supposed to be a water dog.

On Saturday while Dempsey was at home asleep on the floor, I was racing up Mt. Evans. The race went about as well as I could hope, I didn't come very close to my goal time, but it was good for training nonetheless. I sat towards the front for the first part of the race to make sure the pace didn't dip too low as we approached the first switchbacks and slightly steeper slopes. I kept to my own pace as the accelerations started and unfortunately lost contact with a group of 12 or so just up the road from me. I caught a few notables on the way up and finished in a respectable 2:06.

Kevin had a great ride, keeping himself in the right spot all day, only putting in efforts when he really had to. After all the work he has put in to prepare for this race, it was nice to see him get the well deserved win.

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