Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Airport Fixtures

Gone are the random bits of farm equipment that were classified as "art" and in their place is something hopefully more useful. They sort of look like bleachers at a high school stadium from the angle of the drive by photo, but they are all part of a giant array of solar panels.

I am all for public "art", but I have a couple questions. How long will it take for savings gained by the solar panels to outweigh the cost ($650,000) of the blue donkey, er . . . mustang at the airport?

Can it blow steam out its nostrils and waggle its tail like this famous bull? And if you hit the mustang, do you get something?

At least it looks like they are going to be dressing the piece of "art" for special occasions and to mark the change in seasons. That should be festive . . .

I took a quick trip out to the airport today to drop my mom off after her visit. I get to head right back to the airport in just a couple of days for my own departure. I guess I should start packing soon.

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