Friday, December 5, 2008

My Dog Satan

Between the glowing eyes and the demented smile, distorted further by the frost on the whiskers, my dog looks like some sort of hound of hell.

The visit to the park this morning was not even remotely what I would consider warm. I did some extra bundling and broke out the overmitts to try and keep the hands warm. Overmitts make it very difficult to a) hold onto the coffee mug and b) pick up and throw the ball. Dempsey was bother neither by the cold nor the snow. Last winter he'd start limping around because his toes were cold, that is until he got distracted enough by playing fetch.

Keeping with the dog theme, I'll end the week with this gem . . . way to drop the ball on that one PETA . . . too busy putting the smack down on the Colonel's chicken?


Kitt said...

Who's a happy demon? Love that grin.

I've seen the ninja poodle before, but some of the other clips are new. I kind of like the peacock one!

PETA has bigger fish to fry (ahem). Goofy clips aren't so much unethical as simply in bad taste.

Anonymous said...

Can I dogsit? Can I put tequila in his water bowl? I think he and I would have fun together.