Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One Down

One trainer ride down, only 93 more to go until the start of the 2009 season (I totally made that number up). I created many obstacles and distractions to test my resolve and will to ride the trainer. I overcame them all, got in my hour workout, and did some serious sweating to the 80s. My entertainment of choice for some reason always ends up being the Retro-Pop station on Comcast. It is good for keeping my TADD, trainer attention deficit disorder, under control with new songs and accompanying information coming up every few minutes.

I had to leap this obstacle to get to the trainer last night. There had been talk of golfing yesterday afternoon, getting in a quick nine at Harvard Gulch, followed by a quick Hoegaarden at Bistro One. It was decided that the weather was not conducive to golf so we went straight to happy hour. Over rousing philosophical conversation, pints . . . er, 1/2 liters were consumed. That's a big, frosty glass of icy, cold goodness.

The weather is actually looking up for this weekend. I plan on getting out for another long ride in the hills to check out the remainder of the fall colors. Hopefully I'll be riding with Mike, who I haven't ridden with in forever and a day. He's just getting back from some masters' racing in Majorca so riding with him will be punishment as usual, but the good kind. Subtract at least one ride from the trainer total above . . .

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