Thursday, February 28, 2008

Preparation and Planning

Rumor has it we'll be going on a nice, long death march of a ride on Saturday given the forecast for warmer weather. By "we" I mean Hutchison and I, so far at least. More about the ride to come. There's great potential for wind when it is this unseasonably warm . . . cue the YouTube . . . I told you wind power was dangerous!

Despite the speed of the internet and its ability to circulate video, I actually read the news article first and then had to find the video. There are links to some more fodder here.

While were talking about Denmark, I stumbled onto a site yesterday and I can't remember how, but this guy does stuff (ie work) during the day that is a lot cooler than what I do.

Peter Callesen has been around for a while, take a look at some more of his work. The detail is pretty incredible. Looks like he has a gallery showing in NYC this year or if you end up in Denmark for some reason you can find his work and find shelter from the dynamic forces of wind power.

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