Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tempted by the . . .

Mmmm, Girl Scout Cookies. I knew buying them would be a bad idea. Now here they are sitting on my desk, taunting me, drawing me ever closer, just to catch a whiff, maybe just open one package and eat a single cookie. That couldn't hurt anybody right? Except who the hell actually just eats one Girl Scout Cookie as opposed to one sleeve or one box?

I did a little digging and found the history of the snacks. Take the time to navigate around the site. My favorite part has to be the question in the FAQ about obesity and how the Girl Scouts are knowingly and intentionally trying to make you and me fat and oblivious, yet happy. Nice evasive answer Girl Scouts Research Institute, I'd like to see some credentials.

Hutchison and I decided it would be amusing to pass the time during the workday by using other blogs as a meeting place. Think about the possibilities and the number of semi-public forums that are within our reach. Yesterday we were graciously hosted by Ross . . . clues to today's venue are not that hard to find. The way I see it we are adding a little bit of color to an otherwise drab world of Colorado Cyclists' blogs. Someday we will broaden our reach and I'm sure we'll get slapped by the hand of the blogging community. We're not trying to be mean, we're just wasting time with the best of them.

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